TIS main modules include:
Insurance Products Generator and rating tool
Policy Administration
Billing and Collection management
Claims management software
Agent commission management
Reinsurance accounting and automated underwriting systems
Customer management

An integrated general insurance software designed for insurance companies processing all personal and commercial lines of business
All TIS modules draw their information from a single instance database and business rules repository. The application supports the entire spectrum of core insurance-related functions including client administration, underwriting, policy and endorsement generation, claims management, co-insurance/reinsurance handling, billing and collection of payments, cash receipts and disbursements, agency and commission management, production processing and management reports - all combined within a multi-company, multi-currency and multi-lingual system.
Read more about TIS modules:
Stelios Christodoulou
General Manager
General Insurance of Cyprus Ltd
“GIC implemented Comtec’s TIS solution more than 10 years ago. This solution, supported by the commitment of Comtec as well as by GIC’s IT Department, facilitated the implementation of GIC’s business objectives and also led to the attainment of operational efficiencies.”

One platform, one database, all components